ISL’s Role in NASA’s New Artemis Space Mission

ISL has been a significant contributor in the development of NASA’s Artemis Program, which is slated to have its maiden voyage on August 29th, 2022.  Artemis is a human spaceflight program which will explore and establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon. ...

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ISL CEO Publishes Paper on Source of Dark Matter

ISL CEO Dr. Joe Guerci has published a paper in the International Journal of Astronomy on the origins of Dark Matter in the universe. It is the only theory so far that: (1) is consistent with current astronomical observations; (2) does not require the introduction of...

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ISL CEO Delivers Keynote Address on Radar Advancements

IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Denver, Colorado USA June 2022   ISL CEO Dr. Joe Guerci delivered a Keynote address on recent radar advances. In recent years, there has been a wide variety of technological advances that have either directly or...

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B-1 Program Demonstrates use of ISL Simulator

B-1 Program Demonstrates use of ISL Simulator

B-1 FTU Becomes Test Squadron for Sim Program Office’s Automated Virtual InstructorThere is an explosion of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality training systems being applied to aviator training. These systems are seeing tremendous success in providing experiential...

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