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The Leading Requirements Based
Project Management Tool

A New Approach to Project Management

The key ingredient to any successful project is the creation and management of project requirements.  The R-Matrix software helps project teams translate project requirements into project tasks that can be easily tracked to completion.  The R-Matrix software features all the necessary tools and features to help each project team members fulfill their responsibilities and contribute to a wining project.

Why Focus On

Project Requirements?

Good Requirements Lead to Successful Projects

If your project doesn’t have a quality set of requirements how is success measured?  Where do you begin?  Where do you end?  The R-Matrix helps project teams work with customers and stakeholders to successfully start and end projects.

Control Scope Creep Before It Starts

Having problems with scope, schedule, and budget because of uncontrolled scope creep?  The RMatrix features a robust Change Management system focused on tight control of project requirements that has built in support to control scope, schedule, and budget changes.

Make Testing Easier

How is your project validated by test teams?  The R-Matrix automates the process of creating requirements based test cases that are directly integrated with a robust issue tracking system.

Be Compliant With Full Traceability

Give documented and proven results to clients and stakeholders

One of the biggest challenges facing projects is the ability to demonstrate the project has been successfully completed and that all requirements have been met.  Because of its unique focus of requirements, the R-Matrix makes it easy for project leaders to provide documented proof that
all requirements have been completely verified, implemented, and tested.

Design Mappings

A requirement can be directly mapped to a design element with the software system.

Test Case Mappings

Automatically generate test cases that are directly associated with project requirements.

Results Mappings

Testing results and outputs can be directly traced to the requirement being validated.


Requirements Management
  • Integrated Change Control
  • Change Logs for requirement modification
  • Automated generation of Change Reports
  • Batch uploading of requirements
  • Automatically generate Project Requirements document
Build Management
  • Track project releases/builds
  • Automatically assigned associated issues to test team with each new build
  • Designated release/build types
Design Management
  • Manage project design elements
  • Automatically assign unique deslgn element identifiers
  • Associate design elements with one or more requirements
  • Batch uploading of design elements
Test Cases
  • Automatically generate test cases based on selected requirements/design elements
  • Track test case inputs/output
  • Associate test case results against specified builds
  • Create custom test case objects
  • Attach external files to test cases
  • Automated issue generation from test case executions
  • Track test case executions, status, and results
Issue / Task Tracking
  • Integrated, full featured issue management system
  • Assign issues to users
  • Customizeable status, disposition fields
  • IEEE based tracking data
  • Associate one or more requirements to an issue
  • Associate issues with test case executions
Other Features
  • Manage Action/Request Logs
  • Project document repository
  • Wide range of reports
  • Bundle issues into Work Packages
  • Automated email notifications

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